.icons Doctor Who (Series 5), Farscape (misc, The Choice) .gifs Craig Ferguson .other Firefly, Castle, Harry Potter, Inception, Life, Lord Of The Rings, Up
31 Buffy/Angel 28 Lord of the Rings 10 Audrey Hepburn 4 Stargate Atlantis 29 Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe 7 Disney (Lilo & Stitch) 1 Stock (chess) 7 Heath Ledger 2 Miss Pettigrew 14 Kate Winslet 62 Supernatural 37 Doctor Who 14 Farscape
massive amount of icons. they were all made for lims, so variations galore, as usual :D
all of these icons were made for lims, so variations galore! :P
+26 Buffy/Angel +2 Disney (Beauty and the Beast) +10 Stock (trees!) +2 X-Files +10 Phantom of the Opera +6 Jensen Ackles +7 X-Men (Wolverine) +61 Supernatural (mostly Dean, but lots of Sam&Dean) +18 Doctor Who (Season 4) +25 Farscape +26 Lord of the Rings